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11 Signs You’re Dating Your Soulmate

Have you found the one?

1. You’ve never dated anyone else before.

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2. Your estimates for auto body work always come out to within $100 of each other.

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3. Your names are Mom and Dad.

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4. Your genitals make a loud hissing sound when you are in the same room.

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5. Your combined bowling scores are always a perfect 300.

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6. Neither of you think that the Oklahoma City bombing was a good thing.

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7. Each time you make love, the elderly man next door nods in silent approval.

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8. You’re on the FBI’s “Most In Love” watchlist.

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9. Even though you have your disagreements, you’re always on the same page when it comes to killing your wealthy father-in-law.

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10. You both believe rats are born when people leave out old rags.

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11. They know the one thing to say that will hurt you more than anything else in the world.

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