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15 Things Only People On A First Date With Buckethead Say

If you’ve been there, you know.

1. “This is a prank, right?”

2. “It’s not. Okay.”

3. “I suppose it’s all in the cards when you go on a date with someone named Buckethead.”

4. “But looks like you play guitar. That’s cool…”

5. “Dumb question, but are you called Buckethead because there’s a bucket on your head?”

6. “Do you ever use the bucket functionally, or is it exclusively a hat?”

7. “Gotta be honest, I have no idea where you’re looking right now.”

8. “You could be sleeping and I’d have no idea.”

9. “Listen, you’re really good at soloing and everything, but maybe you could stop during dinner.”

10. “This is maybe a little too personal, but are you a burn victim or something?”

11. “Is there anything beneath the mask? Like, do you have a face?”

12. “I feel like I’m being a really good sport right now and you’re giving me nothing.”

13. “I probably could’ve handled the mask or the bucket on their own, but together—I won’t lie, it’s a bit much.”

14. “I think I’m probably going to leave now, but it was nice meeting you.”

15. “If you try to kiss me I’ll call the police.”