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7 Things People Who Cut Their Own Hair Are Tired Of Hearing

You can save money and still look fabulous. It’s so annoying when people criticize you and say stuff like this:

1. “You are the worst criminal, a hair pervert who skipped the barber and deserves the harshest sentence from a judge.”

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2. “No one may use scissors upon themselves; that is the primal rule. You must trade money at the barber’s den.”

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3. “Keep your freshly cut scalp away from our children. I want a large divorce immediately.”

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4. “No, no, no, cutting hair is the hairman’s task. You cannot do the hairman’s task at your own hair.”

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5. “All your friends discussed your haircut sin, and we have decided to kill you. No one spoke in your defense. Please wait here while we fetch a large rock.”

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6. “Your haircut is not ideal.”

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7. “History has a new greatest monster, and he lives on your head, because he is a haircut. The haircut you made yourself.”

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