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8 Trees Just Wide Enough To Conceal Daniel Craig

These trees are exactly right for hiding James Bond himself from view!

1. This tree is the perfect width to hide actor Daniel Craig.

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2. This may appear to just be an ordinary tree, but it turns out this tree is exactly wide enough to conceal Daniel Craig.

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3. This one’s close, but Daniel Craig would definitely be able squeeze himself behind a tree this wide.

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4. One of these trees is just the right width for covering up Daniel Craig. Can you guess which one?

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5. Daniel Craig would easily be able to climb all the way to the top of this tree and still remain hidden from view.

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6. This tree is nowhere near wide enough to conceal Daniel Craig. But it is perfect for him to carve his initials next to his wife’s and then run away.

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7. Ah! This tree is close, but not quite there.

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8. Wow! Daniel Craig could lie down flat and still be obscured by this giant tree!

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