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Complete Swoon: This Amazing Single Dad Is Raising Most Of His Sons To Be Feminists!

While the gender equality movement continues to produce its fair share of female role models, every so often we hear about a man who’s stepping up and supporting the cause in a really big way. That’s exactly the case with Josh Siebert, a single father of four who is committed to raising almost all of his sons to be feminists.

Heartthrob alert!

Even with the day-to-day hustle of school, sports, and orthodontist appointments, this single working dad makes a point to carve out time to discuss gender equality with three out of his four sons. For Josh, it’s male bonding with a true purpose. And for his sons Zachary, Daniel, and Wyatt, it’s some quality time with Dad right after he tucks their brother Kyle into bed. Incredible!

“The way I see it, it’s on me to teach that living in a household without women doesn’t mean we have a free pass to ignore women’s issues,” Josh said. “So, I’m doing everything in my power to make sure that most of my boys grow up to respect women.”

Talk about the perfect man!

The discussions between Josh and nearly all of his sons have now become somewhat of a weeknight ritual. They have dinner and wash the dishes, and then the boys gather in the living room while Josh sends Kyle off for the night. Josh then opens up the floor to anything from the history of women’s rights, to equality in schools and workplaces, to straightforward Q&A.

Truly impressive. We can only hope Josh’s story inspires other dads out there to not only embrace feminism, but to teach the lion’s share of their own sons to follow suit. So cool!