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The 10 Things All Indian Parents Said In Unison Yesterday Without Knowing Why

If you have Desi parents, you DEFINITELY heard these things yesterday at the exact same time, for reasons no one can yet explain.

1. “The world expired long ago.”

2. “Now brush withers. Plows gnash out an awful spiral.”

3. “Whey protein is already in its purest form.”

4. “Enough is not enough. Too much is not too much.”

5. “Prudence, prudence. Heed it. Heed it.”

6. “This product is in fantastic condition. Not like other products.”

7. “A company is special. Your company is very special.”

8. “Heed the warning. Heed it. Heed it. Hubba hubba.”

9. “On the grind. Stay on the grind. Friendship in industry, in silence, in courtrooms lit by machine-gun fingers.”

10. “We will not be seeing you at the goddamn demonstration.”

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