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These Awesome Photos Of Hyenas That Someone Keeps Mailing Us Will Absolutely Blow You Away

The animal kingdom is a truly wondrous place. These photographs of hyenas that an anonymous stranger keeps sending to us in the mail are absolutely incredible, and offer an exceptional look into the world of these unique and complex creatures.

Wow. This beautiful photograph that arrived in an envelope with no return address is absolutely stunning!

Aww! Before we received this picture in the mail from an anonymous source, we had no idea hyena cubs were SO. FREAKING. ADORABLE.

This dazzling photograph came in an envelope with about 30 stamps on it.

It’s unclear whether the guy who’s been sending these incredible pictures to us actually knows how the mail works.

This one is a little bit strange, because the guy who mailed it to us labeled both the wildebeest carcass and one of the hyenas “You,” which is both very confusing and, quite frankly, a little unsettling, but other than that, this photo perfectly showcases the brutal realities of life on the African savanna.

This one arrived in a big manila envelope with about 200 identical copies of the same astonishing photo of a hyena showing off its magnificent carnivorous teeth.

Whoa! Nature is really amazing. We got this one with a single baby shoe and a small handful of rusted nails.

Absolutely breathtaking.