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We Asked 22 OB-GYNs What’s The Weirdest Thing They Ever Delivered

Twenty-two OB-GYNs, one simple question: “What’s the weirdest thing you ever delivered?” Their answers might surprise you.

1. Dr. Goldstein: “I don’t understand the question.”

2. Dr. Allen: “What do you mean?”

3. Dr. Remner: “I’ve only delivered babies.”

4. Dr. Nang: “Just babies.”

5. Dr. Stein: “Babies.”

6. Dr. Thorne-Frost: “I don’t understand.”

7. Dr. Pierce: “A bunch of cash. Like $30 million in twenties. It was fucking nuts. There must’ve been at least 100 stacks in there, all legitimate U.S. currency. And we just kept pulling them out of her for hours and hours. By the end, we counted it up and it was something like $30 million. That was definitely the weirdest thing I ever delivered. Not something you see very often. Usually it’s just babies.”

8. Dr. Fleck: “Just babies.”

9. Dr. Corman: “What?”

10. Dr. Klein: “I don’t get it.”

11. Dr. Brenner: “Not sure what you’re asking.”

12. Dr. Salsberg: “You mean like twins? Or triplets? I’ve never delivered triplets. A fair amount of twins, but I wouldn’t say that’s weird.”

13. Dr. Shelley: “I’m confused.”

14. Dr. Coval: “A framed photograph of myself.”

15. Dr. Lessing: “The weirdest thing?”

16. Dr. Lee: “I’m sorry, I don’t understand.”

17. Dr. Strivelle: “Like twins?”

18. Dr. Zakarian: “Just babies.”

19. Dr. Everly-Platt: “What do you mean?”

20. Dr. O’Brien: “Four feet. All the toenails painted red. Very elegant.”

21. Dr. Stahl: “What?”

22. Dr. Beddington: “Only babies.”